What is the best wah pedal on the market? Wah-wah pedals seem to never fall out of fashion. It is one of the first effects many guitar players end up buying, and there is doubt that Jimi Hendrix is a big reason for this.
A wah pedal is for sure a fun effect to have around. You can always find a way to fit in some whacka-whacka in a song! It's also a very expressive effect, if you learn how to use it well (hint: Jimi Hendrix...) and you can play both rhythm and lead playing with a wah pedal.
I have tried many, many wah pedals over the years. I have had Fulltone, Morley, Dunlop, etc, and I have also tested a large number of wah pedals in guitar stores.
I'm going to list some of the best wah pedals you can find. First though, here are a couple of video demos I did a while back. I really liked the EVH Wah, and the Clyde Deluxe is a pretty classic sounding wah too.
Which one is best? My personal choice is the Dunlop Original Crybaby Wah Pedal. Maybe that comes as a surprise - it is quite inexpensive compared to the boutique wah pedals. Well, the reason simple is - I like how it sounds, how it interacts with gain pedals, and the tone it produces. I have found that I prefer a shorter sweep on the wah pedal, because I don't have to move my foot up and down as much. As a result, I find it is easier to use the wah pedal - I just move my foot a little bit up and down, in order to create the type of wah effect I need. The Original Crybaby is the one to get!
Let me know which wah pedals you think belong on this list - just a comment here below. Also, have a look at the list of best fuzz pedals, best overdrive pedals and best distortion pedals.
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By Robert Renman - www.dolphinstreet.com