Dear friends, I really appreciate all the support and kind words I get almost daily from people visiting my website. I would like to say a big Thank You for your continued support of Dolphinstreet.
I have made several interesting gear demos and lessons on my site recently - Line 6 POD HD500 brand new demo, Mack Heatseeker and Skyraider demos, Jet City JCA20H amp and cab demo, Hendrix Chords, Sweep Picking and Tapping, etc. In case you didn't see this, here are direct links to them for your convenience.
By the way, I will be at the NAMM show in January 20114. If you are going too, and would like to meet up, send me a message and perhaps we can get together. I will there on the Thursday and Friday, full days. It's my first time going to NAMM, and I am really looking forward to it. I will be attending some Line 6 demonstrations for sure, and perhaps demo some of their gear too. Line 6 are very supportive of what I do - thank you, Line 6!
I sincerely wish you and your loved ones all the best this holiday season. Take care, and Happy Holidays!
By Robert Renman -