Our running team 2run.ca placed 3rd in the K-100 relay. That was a lot of fun! We had tough competition, as we now ran in the open category for the first time. In previous years, we have done it as a mixed team, which means having 4 girls. We couldn't find 4 girls though this time, so we entered in the open category.
I was the team captain, and I put myself on the starting leg, the longest of them all - 18.6 km. It's also one of the flattest, which suited me well. I ran quite well I think; I placed 2nd, a minute or so behind the fastest guy. I stayed with him until more than half way I think. I felt good, but the steady climb took the energy out of me.
The winning team was way stronger than everybody else, but we kept in 2nd place for a good while. The battle for 2nd, 3rd and 4th was exciting, and we actually placed 4th, but one of the teams ahead of us ran in the Corporate category, which gave us 3rd place in the Open category.
We had a great time together and the weather was really nice. A bit on the hot side later in the afternoon. There were problems with dehydration and a really sad event was that a man died of a heart attack. This happened just in front my my wife and daughter. Shocking.
Next year we will be back for sure. We will see about how we enter next time, if it will be in the Mixed or Open category I don't know at this time. In any case, the K-100 relay is the finest running relay you can find around here. Well there is Jasper-Banff relay too, but that one isn't the same, since there are 2 starts (it's more like 2 relays as far as I understand it). The Kananaskis K-100 is the relay I look forward to every year. For us, it's a must to do.
By Robert Renman - www.dolphinstreet.com