If you think you have too many amps, you have to watch this video. Brent Ware has more amps than you do.
You can have a look at a 1968 Marshall Plexi that belonged to Jimi Hendrix, but now in a sad state!
Is this hoarding? Well, borderline. This guy has over 300 vintage amps, and he used to have even more.
I am not planning on becoming a collector, but it wouldn't it be fun to spend a day in that building? Testing guitars and amps all day! Wow.
Brent also shows off a Rickenbacker Transonic amp, one of a pair that was loaned to Led Zeppelin for the band's first US tour, which Zeppelin wound up dumping in a California parking lot because the amp's sound was not cutting it for heavy British rock!
By Robert Renman - www.dolphinstreet.com