Hey all,
New to the (electric) guitar, i've come to this forum to find out alot more about blues.
My personal music taste lies in the region of Albert King, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jimmi Hendrix and alot more;)
As u know by now, im new to playing and bought a Peavy electric guitar. After about 4 hrs of playing (read: finding decent notes on my guitar..) i managed to play the intro of paint it black and the beginning of parisienne walkways.
Now those songs are nice, but in my oppinion quite easy. personally i really want to play songs like: Rock and Roll - Led zeppelin, Crosscut saw - Albert king/stevie ray vaughan.... maby killing floor - jimi henrix.... well maby not killing floor... im allowd to dream right
If anyone has some tips id love to hear from you, the readers to start me off as i dont follow any lessons in real life.
Thanks for reading,
Btw, for those interested.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_742k-ExYwA - this is killing floor...