Well it's taken a while since I kept adding parts here and there as I got them in and I also had to decide on how to wire it but I've finally finished this Esquire project. It looks great and I'm really liking the sound I'm getting from all three positions on the switch with this one pickup.
Along with the 3 saddle compensated brass saddles, the Fender 3-way and the Duncan Designed stacked pup, I added some nice black coated brass broadcaster style knobs.
Here's a few pics:
Yep, it's still a Peavey!
Here's a drawing of how I wired it. I took a drawing of a Esquire wiring diagram I found on the web and modified it to show what I did for this mod. A lot of research and feedback from a lot of people helped me to decide what parts and values to use. I couldn't be happier with the way it sounds now.
I'm not positive as I haven't checked them but I suspect the pots are 500K.