i hope those guys never stop hating those korean guitars.
because when they sell 'em cheap, i'll be snatchin 'em up! if you find the right guitar, it only takes a little tweakin to make it a great instrument. really good pots and caps are cheap. you can source pickups used, and save $$. tuners aren't that bad to buy new. you see what mean?
Absolutely right!
What I don't quite get is the guys that seem to think their guitar is an investment. I've seen plenty of guitar players say 'Well I won't buy a Squire or Epi, or whatever not big name brand because you'll lose money when you sell it'.
Ok, I get that but if you're in it to make money, why wouldn't you invest in things that are proven money generating commodities like precious metals or stocks or something. Investing in guitars as a retirement plan seems a bit odd and is probably not anywhere near the best vehicle for growing a nest egg.
I buy guitars to play them and I often buy cheap guitars that I can put a little work, time and money into to make them play and sound well. My Squier SE that I've got approx. $100 (probably a bit less) into will stack up against a MIM Fender any day in quality and sound.
Just my opinion but I think some of the 'haters' only dog equipment cheaper than theirs to boost their ego or to try to assure themselves that they somehow did 'better' than the next guy.