I know this particular thread has been here for a spell, and I'm glad you like this one secondtry. Since my input basically rides on the same subject, I figured I'd continue this one. I recently went back to one of the other forums I used to frequent (for the sake of curiousity) only to find out nothings changed. There's still what I call a "class divide" there. There was a time (yeah, I know....) when we didn't care (that much) where a guitar was made. Then again, the majority of guitars I personally came across were made in the good ol' USA. But these days there are some excellent affordable guitars to choose from. Even if a person chooses to get an inexpensive instrument, they don't need anybody looking down on them. There's the same ol' "difference between MIA vs MIM" topics. Yeah, I know the difference, about 180 miles! Until I decided to jump back in and start playing again some 9 years ago, I 'd never heard of "boutique amps", "guitar snobs" and "tube amp purists". Ego trip! Anyway, having seen (and read) all that stuff AGAIN, makes coming here so easy. Everybody counts here. Dolphinstreet is the best! Cheers to you guys!