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Here is an E blues shuffle emphasizing the octave and the minor 3rd - simple pattern that sounds cool. It's sounds quite "minor", unless you bend that G note up to G#. Minor blues is cool too!
The B (5 chord) part is a bit tricky. You can hear in the video how I mess up the first 8th note in the demonstration. That's okay though, you don't have to be perfect when playing the blues, but make sure you keep accurate time - always practice with a metronome! Also make sure you play the correct number of measures for each chord.
I used a Hell Bender from http://www.HellGuitars.com and a Line 6 POD HD500 from http://line6.com
Line 6 Pod Hd500 Guitar Multi-Effects Processor
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hello Bob,tks for the lesson ,but wy did you not give guitar pro tab with it? Thierry from Switzerland
Comment added on May 23, 2013Join me at my guitar forum! I try to answer any questions regarding lessons, technique, playing styles, gear, etc. You are welcome to join the Dolphinstreet Forum group of players.