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Here is a video showing what a difference in tone you get, depending on where on the strings you pick with your right hand. Closer to the bridge, a more nasal sound - closer to the neck, you get a more round or hollow sound.
The video is kinda short and I could have done a lot more with it, but my main purpose was to test the microphone (Canon DM-100) I got for my video camera. I was using the 120 Degree mode, a wider stereo sound. The sound is definitely a lot better with this microphone, I think.
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happy about having found this page!many thanks! What I´m searching without result is an instruction for different ways of fast righthand -picking for licks, arpeggios, sweeping etc.could you give a support, I´m not a beginner but looking for approachings , thanks ,chrisitan
Comment added on June 14, 2009I suspect that this also depends on the pickup you use (but I'm pretty much of a beginner - so I'm not sure). So, if you pick near the bridge and generate more of the overtones along with the main note, you'll pick more of them up at the bridge pick-up. And vice versa, I expect.
Comment added on June 10, 2009Join me at my guitar forum! I try to answer any questions regarding lessons, technique, playing styles, gear, etc. You are welcome to join the Dolphinstreet Forum group of players.