Video UnavailableSorry, this video is unavailable because the site that hosted the video is shut down. Sorry for the trouble.I have tons of great lessons at Master Guitar Academy. Join me there - it's where you can learn with me every week. That's also where all my DVDs and Premium Downloads are.
Another nice little Pentatonic guitar lick with a variation. In the key of E, playing at the 12th fret. There are so many ways you can play these types of licks, so here are some of mine.
See Pentatonic Patterns if you want more information about the Pentatonic scale.
This is where I teach full time. Join me, and let me help you become the player you always wanted to be. I will teach you scales, improvisation, grooves, phrasing, chords, licks, solos, songs, lines, inversions, voicings, theory, tone, gear, and much more.
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I have lots of gear demos too on this site. Go and take a look at some of my Guitar Videos for some examples of gear I use or have used.
difficult to get these videos in my country
Comment added on June 30, 2012Join me at my guitar forum! I try to answer any questions regarding lessons, technique, playing styles, gear, etc. You are welcome to join the Dolphinstreet Forum group of players.