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Cookies - This website uses cookies in the forums only, for the purpose of keeping a registered user logged in for convenience.
IP address - Your IP address is stored for tracking puproses only. The information collected is used to for analyzing website usage, in order to make it more useful to our visitors.
Personal information - This website provides an opportunity for visitors to be notified when new content is published. For this purpose, we store the email addresses for those who sign up to this feature. Your email address will not be shared with any third parties nor will it be used for any other purposes. There is no requirement to provide any personal information in order to use this website.Contact us - If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, or any other inquiries - you can contact the webmaster by clicking on this link » .
This Privacy Policy may be updated if the need arises. The most recent update to this document was on November 3rd, 2007.